Saturday, 17 February 2018

Special for the sweet tooth; Japanese Cheesecake.

Cheesecake is, by far, one of my favorite desserts; it is simple to make, super versatile and is extremely hard to fuck up. While I was living in Taiwan, I got introduced to Japanese Cheesecake (yeah, in Taiwan, not Japan), an odd and amazing cousin of the cheesecake we all know and love. It is a fluffy, light and wobbly goodness with a very subtle flavor, perfect to finish any meal.  It basically is the lovechild of cheesecake and soufflĂ©.

Lately I've been seeing it popping up a lot in western style bakeries and in more and more of your Facebook feeds, so I thought, fuck it, let's get a recipe out there that is easy and delicious. So, get off your couch and gather ingredients, because when you are done with this you will be impressing even the most picky of your friends, the secret behind this is, that it looks so fancy and hard to make but in reality it is simple as fuck. So, here is the Japexican way of making Japanese cheesecake!

Khalua is optional but highly recommended. 
Look at that fluff!