Monday 31 March 2014

The Anping Tree House

I must admit that this is not the most exciting place in Tainan, but it is, indeed, a very interesting place worth visiting.

First we need to talk about Banyan trees, they are revered in Asian cultures, they are a symbol of perseverance, immortality and the gift of shelter provided by the gods, for some the branches represent bad energies and are usually associated to haunted places (oh the duality of life!). And I am not surprised at all, these trees start their life as a parasite of other plants, and as they grow bigger they become a tree by themselves (much like human beings), they can continue growing for centuries and cover large areas, they give a lot of shade, which let me tell you, in this subtropical weather is a godsend, and to be perfectly honest, the views from inside are a bit creepy. 

The drill is as usual in the touristic places here in Tainan, you go to the counter, purchase your ticket (30 NTD) and get your ass inside, there will be people at the entrance checking that you are not trying to a smart-ass.  
The Banyan Tree

Once you are in you can start seeing how big this Banyan tree really is. You start getting an idea of how sturdy and awesome these trees really are. This place was a warehouse belonging to the Tait & Co. (a trading company from the old days), it was abandoned and the Banyan took over.

A creepy view from Inside.

For many years this place was regarded as a haunted house, and if you see the creepiness of the views from inside you could understand why… And lets not forget how superstitious people from around here can be.

People Inside the Tree House.

A view of the House.

But luckily, around 2004 the government decided to turn this around and built a visitor center and some nice pathways… Nowadays it is a tourist destination fit for the young and the old. A place were you can enjoy nature and a crazy view… That is, if you don’t mind the rivers of people that sometimes overflow the place.

A view from the top.

The Whole Tree House from the Distance 
Next to the Tree House there is the old Tait & Co. offices which have been repurposed as a small museum showing the everyday life of the Taiwanese, Chinese and Dutch people that populated the Island around the 17th century. It is fast and interesting (Two of the things I find most important about museums that do not deal with art).

The front.



Weather was lovely and there were plenty of blossoms around. A great place to spend one or two hours, escape form the heat and have a quiet nice little time surrounded by trees. I would recommend the visit.

Price: 50 NTD
Anping Tree House
No. 194 Anbei Road, Anping District, Tainan, Taiwan. 

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