Friday 24 October 2014

Lets Talk Ribs

There are very few pleasures in my life that can top the joy of biting a soft, moist, fall-off-the-bone piece of ribs. Seriously!

The rib is a beautiful cut of meat, packed with flavor and awesomeness, but unless it is prepared in the correct way it could be very tough. That's why must of the people (including myself up until a few years ago) rather have this amazing meat in a restaurant where (must of the times) they serve it properly. But I'm here to change all that, so Fuck the restaurants! (figure of speech; for those of you who like to take things literally) this is simple, fool-proof way of cooking the perfect rack of ribs every time.

So, whether you are entertaining friends during a match of (insert whatever sport you watch, I could not care less) or you want to have some alone time while indulging yourself in the pleasures of meat and TV (my choice of activities) this is the recipe for you.

Fuck Yeah!

This time we are gonna prepare 2 different types of ribs. One traditional with a salt, pepper and herb dry rub. And the other one with a sweet chili sauce. In the end, the method is the same and you can experiment with any type of rubs and marinades.

So, as usual, lets gather the ingredients:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Sweet Chili Sauce
  • Dry chili
  • Dry garlic
  • Dry Thyme
  • Dry Bay leaves
  • Dry Rosemary
  • Dry marjoram (optional)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • A big, big rack of ribs

The Ingredients. 

  1. First things first, we want them as soft and moist as possible right? We will achieve this by performing a couple of operations. First, we need to locate the thick membrane shown below and peel it off.

Remove the Membrane

  1. Now, lets prepare the dry rub. Basically mix the herbs, salt and pepper and a bit of the dry chili for the first. And the second one will only take some salt, pepper and more of that  beautiful dry chili.

The Dry Rub.

  1. Take those beautiful dry rubs and liberally apply to the ribs. I cut the rack in two big pieces and dry rubbed them individually. Be generous, if there is not enough rub, make more! Let the meat rest for a few hours. When you are ready, wrap the ribs in tin foil, sealing the packet properly and pop in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius (I know it seems very low but trust me on this one, this is the second thing we are doing to guarantee the soft and moist ribs, low temp-long time).

Rub it well, Oh Yeah!

4. Now, I was thinking, what should we eat alongside the ribs, don't get me wrong, if it was just for me I would just go for more ribs, but since I am entertaining people an apparently it is not well seen to only eat meats (suckers!) I decided to roast some veggies too (Potatoes are veggies right!?) so, for that you will need
      • Olive Oil
      • Salt
      • Pepper
      • Garlic
      • Thyme
      • Herbs d' Provence (or whatever French name)
      • Mushrooms (I'm using some shii take)
      • Potatoes
      • Carrots
      • Onion
      • Garlic

The Other Ingredients

  1. Roughly chop the veggies in chunks of the same size, and oil them a bit.

All Chopped and oiled, Oh Yeah!

  1. Season with the herbs, salt and pepper

Seasoned Veggies

  1. Wrap them in tin foil and pop them in the oven along side the ribs.

Wrap them up!

  1. You will bake your ribs for at least 4 hours. When you are ready to serve, take them off the oven, and apply the liquid sauces.

  1. For the first batch I used a generous serving of sweet chili sauce, make sure you cover every single centimeter.
  2. For the second one I made a simple vinaigrette with a bit of brown sugar (this will help caramelize)

Now, crank the heat to 250 degrees Celsius and put the ribs back in the oven, this time uncovered and facing up. This will quickly shock the fuck out of them and create a nice crispy, caramelized crust. Yumm!

Ready for the sauce!

9. After a few minutes in the oven at high temperature. Take them out and let them rest for a few      minutes. Then you can proceed to slicing them.  Although you really don’t need that, by this point the ribs will fall of the bone, literally.

Let them rest and cut!

10. In the meant time transfer your veggies to a bowl and don’t waste any of the juices, put everything in!

Veggies and the Juices, Fuck Yeah!

Fuck Yeah you are done!

There you have it dudes, amazing ribs that will make you happy and might turn all your vegetarian friends back into the good path of a meat eater (maybe). Enjoy and see you next time!

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