Tuesday 22 September 2015

Let's use those leftovers!: Asian Lettuce Wraps.

What's up you guys!? Sorry I've been absent the past few weeks (or couple of months), I recently changed countries and it has been quite hectic. Between moving, immigration stuff, getting a flat, settling down and starting a new job I haven't really have the time to cook, let alone keep photographic record of it all. But well, here I am, back in business baby!

And today we are making something super simple, the other day I managed to make some awesome ribs (recipe here), and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't finish them all. So, it got me thinking: what can we do with some nice leftovers… I mean, this happens quite often right?

And of course the first thing that came to mind was something on the Asian lines, something quite simple to make, and surprisingly simple. So, in like 10-15 minutes you will have a light dinner or a simple afternoon snack. Anyways, let's get to it, here is the recipe for my Asian Lettuce Wraps.

Sexy as Fuck!

You will need:

  • Meat: I used some leftover ribs, but I'm thinking chicken would also go quite nicely here. Actually, it doesn't even have to be leftovers. You choose.
  • Onion: Half a medium sized onion, roughly shopped.
  • Garlic: A couple of cloves thinly sliced.
  • Ginger: A small piece the size of one of those garlic cloves, thinly sliced or grated.
  • Mushrooms: I used normal champignons but shiitake would go great here.
  • Lemon: The zest of one and the juice of half.
  • Cashews: a bunch, roughly chopped.
  • Sesame seeds: A tablespoon.
  • Soy sauce: To taste.
  • Fish sauce: To taste.
  • Lettuce: I used iceberg, but any type of lettuce will do. Just take the nicest leafs.

 Let's get to it!

  1. In a little bit of oil, sauté the onions, garlic and ginger, until they are soft and aromatic.
  2. At this point, add the ribs, you will not need too much time as you are only warming up and caramelizing. If you go for chicken or any other fresh meat, brown it first separately and then add.
  3. Once you start getting some nice brown crispy bits, add the mushrooms and let them sweat out for a bit.
  4. Meantime, mix the lemon juice, soy sauce and fish sauce in a cup.
  5. Once the mushrooms have reduced in size and start to get tender and delicious, everything will start going fast. Add the mix of sauces and the zest and let it reduce for a minute or two.
  6. While that happens, toast the cashews and sesame seeds.
  7. The sauce will get sticky quite fast, once it has, add the nuts and seeds, and stir them in.
  8. Serve in a platter with the lettuce on the side, everyone can make their own wraps. Done.  See? That was fast!

Sauté those onions, garlic and ginger!
Get your zest, juices and nuts ready, you will use them fast!

Stir it up!

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